Woah. Life in America looks a little bit different this week than anything I can recall. Store shelves empty. Museums, parks, restaurants all closed. Weddings are canceled, sports are called off, and events we've had tickets for for months are no longer going on. We've all been told that the best way to combat coronavirus in America is to just stay home. If you're in any way a busy body like me, that's harder than it sounds. But if staying home for the next few weeks or a month even is the sacrifice we all have to make to take care of our country and society as a whole, then we should do it. After all, despite the obvious issues and negative effects coronavirus is having on our world at large, I'm the type of person who is always searching for the silver lining. Honestly, there are some GOOD things about staying home. Below are some of the ways I'm keeping from going crazy during this coronavirus pandemic. Things to do while stuck at home: 1. Take care of all the tasks you've been putting off. I know. That doesn't sound fun at all. But honestly, there's no better time to take care of all the boring stuff you've been putting off. Just get it done! For example, this week we filed our taxes. Next on my list is to purge all the closets, get rid of what we no longer have room for or want, and donate stuff! (To my surprise, Goodwill is still accepting donations as of this week.) Accomplish some of the tasks you've been avoiding, and then when the social distancing requirements lift and the weather gets warmer, you'll be glad it's all done! Who knows - I might even get around to finishing the application for the doctorate degree program I've had my eye on! 2. Read more! This one is obvious, right? But my favorite part about this is that the library and bookstores are closed, so I'm forcing myself to finally finish reading the 30+ unfinished books that have been lingering on my shelf for way too long. 3. Spend time on the hobbies you usually don't have enough time for! You know that thing you LOVE, but never get around to doing because life is just so busy and so rushed? When else in your life are you going to have the freedom and time to spend uninterrupted hours doing whatever it is you love? For me, that's blogging, painting, writing, and sometimes it's just taking bubble baths or watching bad reality TV shows. 4. Do some yoga or exercise at home. Earlier this week, my gym sent out a memo that it is CLOSED! It's essential to my mental health that I exercise regularly, so I was happy to see that several yoga studios are streaming their classes for free online right now (a lot of them accept donations/venmos)! Plus, YouTube has a plethora of fitness videos that you can do right from home. 5. Brush up on a second or third language! Apps like DuoLingo make it super easy to take up a new language. I've been practicing my Spanish on the app so that when I'm with Juan's family, I can join in on the conversation more! 6. You can still go outside. We've been making sure to get out every day. As long as you're able to avoid groups and stay at least six feet away from others, going outside is not frowned upon. I've been going for runs, or we will go together on family walks, and we've even been to the outdoor tennis courts, as long as they aren't crowded. We bring out own equipment and sanitizer hand wipes. So far so good! |
AuthorKara Garcia Archives
August 2020